Secreto para aumentar la memoria hasta un 80%, hacer el cerebro más rápido, recupera la visión y regenera los huesos. #aumentarlamemoria #recuperalavisión #regeneraloshuesos #salud Source by lacasadelaroca
”LA PLANTA DE LA ETERNA JUVENTUD” ESTA PLANTA NUTRE, CURA Y REGENERA TUS CELULAS DE PIES A CABEZA. #plantas # eterna #juventud #nutre #renegera #celulas #pies #cabeza #salud Source by soniazadith
La llaman la bendición de los dioses: quita la presión alta, la diabetes, la grasa en tu sangre y el insomnio. #presión #diabetes #dioses #salud Source by laciguapa29
Como fazer uma cama de hospital. É fundamental que a equipe de um hospital saiba a maneira correta de arrumar uma cama hospitalar. Os pacientes são internados por várias razões, mas todos eles precisam ter uma cama confortável para descansar. Amontoar lençóis e cobertores pode causar dor nas costas e desconforto nos pacientes, o que não é seu objetivo. Além disso, uma cama bem … Source by mnicadossantosl
Any cat or kitten that has not been vaccinated against feline Panleukopenia is at risk. This is a hardy virus that can lurk in carpets and upholstery for years. Cats can be infected by litter boxes, food bowls and even toys and clothes. Therefore, introducing an unvaccinated cat to a surroundings previously inhabited by a sick cat, puts her at great risk. Source by catnices
The Not-So-Secret Solution For Urinary Crystals In Pets. — For Pet's Urinary Health, Water is the Best Preventive and Cure | petMD Source by problemcat
O hérpes Zoser ocorre uma infecção por vírus que se manifesta na pele, na maioria dos casos nas costas e do lado esquerdo, ou na região do pescoço ou rosto, na região afetada surgem várias pequenas feridinhas que conforme os dias vão passando elas aumentam de tamanho e viram bolhas, essa infecção é causada pelo vírus … Continue lendo "SINTOMAS DO HÉRPES ZOSTER, MEDICAÇÃO E CUIDADOS" Source by mnicadossantosl
PrairieWoodSprite organic beauty and health products make thoughtfully beautiful and unique holiday and birthday gifts for family, friends, coworkers, teachers, bosses, etc. Or, my most favorite, Just Because gifts! PrairieWoodSprites Shingles Healing Spray Pain Relief Formula #2 Source by schmetterlingta
This is a magnification of the herpes-zoster virus, which causes shingles. Anyone who has ever had chickenpox is at risk for the development of shingles. View this slideshow to learn more. Source by evelynehaun
All adults over 50 are encouraged to get the new shingles vaccine, Shingrix. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends Shingrix for the prevention of herpes zoster (shingles) and related complications. "When people get shingles, it’s a very painful ordeal," says Dr. Pritish Tosh, an infectious diseases specialist at Mayo Clinic. Source by mayoclinichs
Cómo curar el herpes zóster con remedios caseros. Cuando el virus de la varicela no desaparece por completo de nuestro organismo, corremos el riesgo de sufrir de herpes zóster o culebrilla. Esta condición se presenta ante un debilitamiento del sistem… Source by ahraounadia
A new study indicates that chickenpox vaccines are contributing to the worsening of herpes zoster (shingles) infections, bringing back to the forefront the question: do these vaccines cause more harm than good? Source by elisa1179
What Causes Shingles? The varicella zoster virus is the culprit behind both chickenpox and shingles. The first time someone is exposed to the virus, it causes the widespread, itchy sores known as chickenpox. The virus never goes away. Instead, it settles in nerve cells and may reactivate years later, causing shingles. It’s also called herpes zoster, but it’s not related to the virus that causes genital herpes. #whatcausesarthritis Source by freeofjointpain